How you train today determines how you perform tomorrow!
Email us your name and your child's name, gender, age, experience and we will add you to our emailing list to keep you informed of training, camps, clinics, tryouts, etc.
Outdoor Club Fees
GROUP I - 3 Competitive Leagues offered this season: (Sign up with or without a partner, we will match you based on skill & age)
Full - 12 week season (May 1st - July 30th) (For you got nothing better to do’ers)
Half - 6 week seasons (For you summer vacationers)
(May 1st - June 11th) or (June 12th - July 30th)
Payment Plans:
Full Season – $420 (Average cost is $16/person/practice)
1st Payment = $220 due May 2
2nd Payment = $100 due June 2
3rd Payment = $100 due July 2
Half Season – $275 (Average cost is $23/person/practice *Increase is due to apparel cost does not change*)
1st Payment = $175 due May 2
2nd Payment = $100 due May 23
**Any player signed up for a 6 week season can come to the other 6 week season at the non-competitive fee $15 per practice**
Season Includes:
Bottoms, & sports top
(At an additional cost, a group order for sand socks can be ordered to save on shipping costs)
GROUP II-Non-Competitive League (partners not required) – (for you all summer vacationers)
Come to any scheduled practice per week (must be informed ahead of time)
$15 per person per practice session- pay per practice in cash on day of practice attended
You can pay in advanced if you know what days you will attend
No apparel included in price but can purchase as an additional cost when ordering for Competitive league.